California Car Crashes

California Car CrashesWe know that everyone is in a big hurry to go nowhere, especially in Los Angeles. It’s a city full of busy people, which means it’s also a city of impatient drivers. Here is some information on the causes of California car crashes and how you can receive compensation.

California Car Crashes | Causes

Some common causes of car wrecks in Southern California. include:

  • Drowsy driving
  • Driving under the influence
  • Distracted driving
  • Tailgating
  • Failure to merge or yield

Please note that if you were injured by a drunk or drugged driver, you may be able to collect punitive damages from that person as a punishment for their careless and malicious behavior. Everyone in this country knows that drunk driving kills, so if someone chooses to get behind the wheel drunk, they are fully aware of the possible consequences.

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California Car Crashes | Compensation

As per the rules of pure comparative negligence that California abides by, you are able to collect compensation even if you were found to be at fault for the crash. Some states will cut you off at a certain percentage of fault, but pure comparative negligence allows you to be found at fault for any percentage of the collision and still be able to get compensation.

However, the drawback of this is if you were to be found 30% at fault and you were awarded $10,000, you would be barred from receiving 30% of that award. The compensation would be reduced to $7,000. If you hire our experienced Newhall car injury lawyers, you don’t have to worry about your compensation being significantly reduced. They will fight the insurance companies for you and protect your rights and get you the most compensation possible for your claim.

Contact our experienced Newhall car injury lawyers today to schedule a free consultation. We will help you recover the compensation you deserve.